
From playful dolphins to brilliant bluebells, this May bank holiday is the perfect time to enjoy the thrills of spring, says Patrick Barkham 

1 / 7 Stroll through a bluebell wood 
Our ancient woodland is at its very finest this weekend. Trees are sprouting flowers and spring green leaves but have yet to cast the shade of summer over woodland flowers and clearings. In the south, this may be the last chance to admire carpets of brilliant bluebells, while in the north they will be looking their very best. Tread softly: last week I saw roe deer and muntjac deer, their tales wagging like dogs, as well as lizards and a bank vole in woods in Gloucestershire. My personal favourite is Foxley Wood in Norfolk. The Woodland Trust has a list of ancient woodlands where you can see bluebells.

1 / 7 漫步於藍鈴花叢之中 


2 / 7 Go dolphin spotting on the Moray Firth 
The naturalist Terry Nutkins reckons that spring in Scotland is even more dramatic than in the rest of Britain because its winters are so long and cold. This week he saw 40 common dolphins playing in the sea close to his home in north west Scotland but he recommends the Moray Firth close to Inverness for dolphin-watching. “You can often see Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and they seem to be more active in the spring. They are probably excited about the arrival of certain species of fish but spring generates an excitement for us human beings as well,” he says.

2 / 7 去馬里灣發現海豚 


3 / 7 Go bat-watching 
You don’t have to leave the city to see our wildlife in spring. London’s parks at dusk, for example, are a brilliant place for bats: head to the water at Regent’s Park or Battersea Park and you can see several species of bat out hunting, ducking and weaving inches from your head. If you buy a bat detector you can pick up their high-pitched echo-location calls as well. Be careful not to get locked in for the night! Two good churches for bats are the remote Church of the Holy Cross in Kilgwrrwg, near Chepstow, and the Anglo-Saxon church in Escomb, near Bishop Auckland in County Durham.

3 / 7 觀賞蝙蝠 

4 / 7 Take a nature walk on the Five Sisters of Kintail – or visit the ospreys at Loch Garten 
One of Scotland’s best ridge walks is a favourite of Nutkins: it offers a chance to see golden eagles, peregrine falcons and ravens, as well as glorious wild and mountainous countryside. I’ve seen the ospreys at Loch Garten, near Aviemore, and these majestic birds have been back at their nesting sight for a couple of weeks now. You can check their progress on the RSPB blog. If you are really lucky you may see them hunting fish in the loch.

4 / 7 在金泰爾五姐妹山上漫步于大自然的美景中——或去觀賞哥騰湖的魚鷹 
在這蘇格蘭山嶺散步的最佳之地是努特金的愛好之一在這裏,有機會看到金雕,遊隼及烏鴉,還有美麗的大自然以及山區農村的風情。我曾在靠近阿維摩爾的哥騰湖看到魚鷹,這些雄偉的大鳥現在已回到築巢地小住幾周。你可以在英國皇家保護鳥類協會的這個博客(RSPB blog)處查看他們築巢的進展。你如果運氣好的話,還能看見它們在湖裏捕魚。

5 / 7 Listen to the song of the nightingale 
This weekend is the best time to hear one of the most romantic wonders of spring: the song of the nightingale. The males are frantically wooing the females as they return to this country to breed. Dusk is the best time to hear them. Stephen Moss recommends -Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve in Essex, Blean Woods in Kent or the RSPB reserve in West Sedgemoor on the beautiful Somerset Levels.

5 / 7 聆聽夜鶯的歌唱 
本週末正是聆聽春天最浪漫的歌聲的最佳時刻:夜鶯的歌聲。夜鶯飛回英國準備繁殖,正是雄夜鶯正在瘋狂追求著雌夜鶯的時候。黃昏是聽夜鶯唱歌的最好時段。史提芬·莫斯推薦——埃塞克斯的Fingringhoe Wick自然保護區,肯特的布林森林,或者塞奇高沼西部美麗薩姆賽特平原上的皇家保護鳥類協會保護區。

6 / 7 Find two rare spring butterflies 
Two of our rarest, and most graceful, butterflies are on the wing this weekend. The pearl-bordered fritillary flies in ancient woodlands rich in violets. One lovely spot is Hembury Woods in the Dart Valley, Devon. Even rarer is the duke of burgundy, a fritillary-like butterfly that I saw last week on Rodborough Common, a beautiful piece of National Trust land in the Cotswolds near Stroud. Visit ukbutterflies.co.uk for other locations.

6 / 7 發現兩種春天珍稀蝴蝶 

7 / 7 Watch birds at Minsmere – and listen out for cuckoos 
If there was one place Stephen Moss, author of The Bumper Book of Nature, could go this May bank holiday, it would be Minsmere, the RSPB’s flagship nature reserve on the Suffolk coast. “You can see or hear well over 100 species of birds in early May,” he says.

7 / 7 在敏思梅爾觀賞鳥類——留心聽辨布穀鳥的叫聲 
如果《自然大全》史提芬·莫斯今年5月銀行假日只能去一個地方,他會選擇去位於薩福克郡海岸英國皇家鳥類保護協會的旗艦自然保護區敏思梅爾。 他說:在那裏,你可以在5月初看到或聽到100多種鳥類。


文章來源 :http://www.translations.com.tw/TranslationNews/Art-307.html

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