
The lateral cerebellar hemispheres (cerebrocerebellum;A, yellow) store programs for voluntary movements (manual dexterity). (→A1) In voluntary movements, associative cortical areas (→A1) activate, via pontine nuclei(→A2), neurons in the hemispheres (→A3)whose efferent impulses (orange) project, via the dentate nucleus (→A4) and thalamus(→A5), to the motor cortex (→A5). From here spinal motoneurons are activated via the pyramidal tract (violet). Lesions in the hemispheres or in structures connected with them thus impair initiation and planning of movements.The intermediate part of the hemisphere(spinocerebellum, light blue) is mainly responsible for the control of movement. Via spinocerebellar afferents (blue) it receives information about the state of the motor apparatus. Neurons of the spinocerebellum project to the red nucleus (→A9) and thalamus via the nuclei emboliformis and globosus (→A8). Spinal motoneurons are influenced by the red nucleus via the rubrospinal tract and by the thalamus via the motor cortex and the pyramidal tract. Disorders of the spinocerebellum impair the execution and control of voluntary movements.The neurons of this part of the cerebellum project directly to the vestibular nucleus (→A11) as well as via the nuclei fastigii (→A12) to the thalamus, to the reticular formation (→A13),and to the contralateral vestibular nucleus (→A14). Spinal motoneurons receive impulses via the vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts, via the thalamocortical and corticospinal tracts. Lesions in the flocculus, nodulus,and vermis mainly affect balance and body posture as well as the muscles of the trunk and face.

側生小腦半球(皮層小腦;A,黃色區域)負責存儲隨意運動程式(手靈巧度)。 (→A1)在隨意運動中,通過在(→A3)腦半球的神經元和神經核啟動相關的皮質區,腦半球的傳出衝動通過齒狀核和丘腦到達運動神經皮層。脊椎運動神經元被錐體束(紫色區域)所啟動。腦半球或與之相連的結構損傷可導致自主和規劃運動的減弱。腦半球的中部(脊髓小腦,亮藍色)主要負責控制運動。通過脊髓小腦的傳入(藍色)它接收到感測器的資訊刺激。脊髓小腦神經元通過栓狀核和球狀核(→A8)伸展到紅核(→A9)和丘腦,脊椎運動神經元被紅核通過紅核脊髓束以及運動神經皮層通過錐體束影響。脊髓小腦功能紊亂會減弱機體對隨意運動的控制和執行。小腦中該部分的神經元直接伸展到前庭神經核(→A11),同時還通過頂核(→A12)到達丘腦和網狀結構(→A13),到達對側的前庭神經核(→A14)。脊髓運動神經元通過前庭脊髓束和網狀脊髓束以及丘腦-皮層和皮質脊髓束接收衝動,絨球、小結和小腦蚓的損傷主要影響平衡感和機體的體位以及軀幹和面部的肌肉。


文章來源 : https://www.translations.com.tw/TranslationNews/Art-102.html


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