1. 貿易保護有時是必要的貿易手段。 
Sometimes commerce protection is a necessary diplomacy.

 2. 一個公司的最主要社會職責是為股東獲取利潤。 
The main social responsibility of a company is pursuing profit.

3. 增加對富人的所得稅總是正確的做法。 
It is always right to increase the income tax to wealth

4. 那些有足夠財力的人應該有權利用自己的錢支付和享用更高標準的醫療服務。

Those who posses substantial financial resources are ought to have the privilege to use their money for higher standard health care.

5. 市場越自由,人們也就越自由。 
The freer the market is, the freer people are.

6. 除非極端情況下,例如母親有生命危險,墮胎應該是不合法的。 
Aborticide is illegal except for some extreme situation, for example, when the mother’s life is endanger.

7. 和平主義不能解決世界上的問題。 
Pacifism could not solve the problem of the world.

8. 一個好的父母不應該給與孩子完全的自由,不加管制。 
A good parent should not leave the child totally free of management.

9. 應該像對待賭博和酒一樣合法化大麻的使用和銷售。 
The usage and sale of hempen should be legalized as gamble and wine

10. 孩子們需要知道紀律的必要性。 
The necessity of discipline should be learned by children.


文章來源 : http://www.translations.com.tw/TranslationNews/Art-105.html

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